BlackCSI Blog

BlackCSI has been serving the Pennsylvania area since 2002, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Amazon Web Services Offers a Plethora of Solutions for SMBs

Amazon Web Services Offers a Plethora of Solutions for SMBs

Cloud computing has allowed businesses to scale unlike any time before, all without breaking the budget. One such cloud provider is Amazon, and its Amazon Web Services platform allows businesses to manage their cloud computing needs. Today, we’re exploring some of the ways that AWS aids businesses with varied cloud computing needs.

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Meta’s Track Record Isn’t Great, Regarding Security

Meta’s Track Record Isn’t Great, Regarding Security

Sometimes, companies don’t take the privacy of their services as seriously as they should, as evidenced by Meta, the parent company of Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram. Despite their popularity, these services have had several security and privacy issues over the years. Today, we want to look at some of these services' most notable privacy and security breaches.

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Tip of the Week: How to Avoid Social Media Threats in 2024

Tip of the Week: How to Avoid Social Media Threats in 2024

You can take numerous steps to secure your social media accounts and tighten your privacy settings. Yet, every time you log in, you’re still exposing yourself to a vast stream of information and content. Our civilization has never encountered anything like this before. These platforms are designed to curate content you want to see, encouraging you to stay longer and return frequently. This design, meant to be enticing and addictive, poses dangers, especially to certain individuals.

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We Should Talk About the “Act Your Wage” Trend

We Should Talk About the “Act Your Wage” Trend

Numerous workplace trends have emerged in the past few years, many of which employers are not fond of. “Quiet quitting” is an example of such a trend, where workers will do the bare minimum—nothing more—to retain their employment. More recently, the trend has been to “act your wage.”

Let’s look at what this means and how to handle it if you ever encounter it in your business.

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Are Your Emails Encrypted? They Should Be!

Are Your Emails Encrypted? They Should Be!

Email is a centralizing communication tool for most businesses, but what would you do if we asked if your email system was encrypted? Could you give us an honest answer? Encryption is a powerful security measure for networks and infrastructure, so it makes sense to use it for your email solution, too. Here’s what you need to know about encryption and email.

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Management Solution for Businesses BlackCSI, a leading managed technology services provider, has unveiled a groundbreaking new solution designed to instantly conduct data discovery on an organization’s network, classify risks, and prioritiz...

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Cloud computing has allowed businesses to scale unlike any time before, all without breaking the budget. One such cloud provider is Amazon, and its Amazon Web Services platform allows businesses to manage their cloud computing needs. Today,...

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(717) 620-3042

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