BlackCSI Blog

BlackCSI has been serving the Pennsylvania area since 2002, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Are Your Emails Encrypted? They Should Be!

Are Your Emails Encrypted? They Should Be!

Email is a centralizing communication tool for most businesses, but what would you do if we asked if your email system was encrypted? Could you give us an honest answer? Encryption is a powerful security measure for networks and infrastructure, so it makes sense to use it for your email solution, too. Here’s what you need to know about encryption and email.

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Think All Your Data is Backed Up? Think Again

Think All Your Data is Backed Up? Think Again

Data backup is the glue that holds businesses together during difficult times. Despite this, many employees are still unclear on how the whole system works and what data gets backed up. Today, we want to explore this topic and clarify what typically occurs during the data backup process.

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Co-Managed IT Can Help Alleviate Some Technology Troubles

Co-Managed IT Can Help Alleviate Some Technology Troubles

If your organization has an internal IT department, chances are they're managing a complex infrastructure while being understaffed and overworked. This isn't a criticism; it's simply the reality for many SMBs (we understand this well). We can ease the burden on your IT team and streamline your technology management.

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How You Can Benefit from Business Analytics

How You Can Benefit from Business Analytics

For modern businesses, data is king. It's the driving force behind decision-making, strategic planning, and competitive advantage. Enter business analytics.

This powerful tool transforms raw data into meaningful insights, but how can you use small business analytics for yourself?

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Inventory Management: the Key to Effective Business Logistics

Inventory Management: the Key to Effective Business Logistics

Regarding business logistics, inventory management is a significant contributing factor you cannot avoid. It keeps your operations running well, regardless of what type of business you run. Your company will always need its inventory, and managing it effectively and efficiently can save on costs, improve service levels, and promote overall business success.

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What Small Businesses Can Learn from the UnitedHealth Hack

What Small Businesses Can Learn from the UnitedHealth Hack

Cyberattacks often attack healthcare organizations, including businesses and vendors they associate with, primarily due to how lucrative they can be. One particularly nasty hack is just one of the many organizations which have been featured in headlines due to their inability to protect against security threats. Let’s explore this new situation with UnitedHealth Group and see if there is anything you can learn from it.

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Big Data Can Help Fuel Your Business’ Growth

Big Data Can Help Fuel Your Business’ Growth

Your business is as valuable as the data it collects, meaning that if you’re not taking full advantage of your data, you’re leaving money on the table. SMBs need all of the strategic advantages they can get, and one way you can gain such an advantage on your competition is through utilizing big data. Let’s explore how big data can transform your operations for the better.

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Even the Most Diligent Individuals Are Not Immune to Data Breaches

Even the Most Diligent Individuals Are Not Immune to Data Breaches

Humans have all kinds of stakes in digital security thanks to today’s online world demanding that we be more online than ever. Whether it’s personal information or financial details, you can bet everyone is at risk to some degree. Today, we want to examine why individuals—even technology professionals—are not immune to data theft.

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How Digital Twins Can Improve Your Operations

How Digital Twins Can Improve Your Operations

Do you know what a digital twin is? While it might be considered a relatively recent innovation, it’s still helpful for businesses that want to improve their workflows. Today, we want to define what digital twins are and what value a business might get from them.

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Avoid Sending Sensitive Information Over Email

Avoid Sending Sensitive Information Over Email

A single oversight can potentially nullify the effectiveness of your cybersecurity measures. For instance, even if you've implemented security measures like multifactor authentication, a phishing scam or certain malware variants could grant unauthorized access to your email, compromising all the data stored in your inbox.

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The Dangers of a Misconfigured Cloud

The Dangers of a Misconfigured Cloud

The cloud gives businesses more opportunities than ever to change operations for the better, but a poorly configured cloud could create more problems than it solves—including the potential for a security breach! Here are some of the most important reasons why you must configure your cloud solutions properly.

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Five Steps Your Organization Must Take to Keep Your Data Safe

Five Steps Your Organization Must Take to Keep Your Data Safe

Keeping your data safe is extremely important. More precedence has been put on data privacy and security in recent times as phishing and ransomware litter the landscape. Unauthorized access to data can lead to severe consequences. The methods employed by cybercriminals today are more sophisticated than ever; and it quite often allows them to breach organizational data security. Today, we thought we would take a look at a few strategies people are using to protect their data. 

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A VPN Can Be a Useful Tool in Your Cybersecurity Efforts

A VPN Can Be a Useful Tool in Your Cybersecurity Efforts

It can’t come as a surprise that businesses are starting to grow concerned about the potential of getting hit by a cyberattack. Just look at what's happening out there. Literally millions of hackers trying to enter, steal, and sell your business’ data. To help protect their data, businesses should consider the adoption of a Virtual Private Network (VPN), which adeptly conceals data during its transit. Let's take a look into some of the most compelling reasons why your business should embrace the use of a VPN.

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Hacked Social Media Accounts Are Bad for Your Business

Hacked Social Media Accounts Are Bad for Your Business

Social media has become deeply ingrained in today’s culture, from business to personal connection. Businesses stake their reputation on the platforms, and individuals and families use them to connect with one another in ways they never were able to before. This is why it’s so scary to think about what would happen if an account were hacked or taken over.

Let’s look at how social media hacks are disruptive and potentially catastrophic to a business owner.

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Explaining the Many Types of Metadata Your Business Might Use

Explaining the Many Types of Metadata Your Business Might Use

Data informs decision making, and your business creates countless data throughout the course of its operations. However, metadata—or data about data—offers a unique opportunity to businesses that understand how it works, particularly in the realm of business intelligence (BI) or business analytics (BA). Let’s discuss the importance of metadata and what your company can glean from it.

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Metadata is the Biggest Commodity You’ve Never Heard Of

Metadata is the Biggest Commodity You’ve Never Heard Of

It has become evident over the past several years that understanding how to use all the data that your business creates and obtains has been viewed from many different angles. Metadata is all the underlying information about data.

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The Global Annual Cost of Cybercrime Will Break $10 Trillion by 2025

The Global Annual Cost of Cybercrime Will Break $10 Trillion by 2025

Security is a major pain point for businesses of all industries and sizes, and the numbers reflect this. Here are some of the most notable statistics we could find that prove just how important security is to not just your business, but all businesses.

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How to Protect Your Business from Cyberattacks

How to Protect Your Business from Cyberattacks

The other day, we talked about an assortment of security issues that could very well cause harm to your business if you aren’t prepared for them. We wanted to continue that conversation and discuss the things that you need to be sure are done so you are, in fact, prepared.

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The Problems that Ransomware Causes are Extensive and Frustrating

The Problems that Ransomware Causes are Extensive and Frustrating

Businesses face a lot of threats, but ransomware stands out amongst them all. It’s certainly one of the scariest threats out there, as it seems we need to include it every time we discuss cyberthreats. Unfortunately, we really do need to, for one simple reason.

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Research by Mozilla Shows Today’s Cars are Terrible, in Terms of Privacy

Research by Mozilla Shows Today’s Cars are Terrible, in Terms of Privacy

Today’s cars, trucks, and sport utility vehicles are packed with features, many of which heavily lean on technology in order to operate. While these new vehicles and all their new capabilities are certainly appealing to today’s consumer, it needs to be said that one key aspect of technology has not been improved as these vehicles have been innovated upon.

That one key aspect? Security.

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Management Solution for Businesses BlackCSI, a leading managed technology services provider, has unveiled a groundbreaking new solution designed to instantly conduct data discovery on an organization’s network, classify risks, and prioritiz...

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Cloud computing has allowed businesses to scale unlike any time before, all without breaking the budget. One such cloud provider is Amazon, and its Amazon Web Services platform allows businesses to manage their cloud computing needs. Today,...

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